Learning to be up front

Try thinking of a leader who has inspired you. It’s harder than you might think, perhaps because we initially try to conjure up someone of the calibre of Martin Luther King Jr. or Mahatma Gandhi. But on a more modest scale, there are a number of figures who serve as role models, perhaps ones we…


It’s all in the mind

Every 40 seconds someone takes their own life. That is the shocking statistic that the World Health Organisation wants to focus on this October 10, World Mental Health Day, 2019. With poor mental health particularly prevalent among teenagers and suicide the second leading cause of death among 15 to 29 year olds around the world,…


Home away from home

If starting a new school can seem daunting, throw boarding into the mix and students are facing a double challenge, leaving them, it might seem, with nowhere to hide when the going gets tough.In fact, one of the reasons people used to pack their children off to boarding school was precisely to toughen them up;…


Going the extra-curriculum mile

As school term gets underway, many students will try to liven up the year ahead with a number of extra-curricular activities that will broaden their experience and quite possibly their circle of friends. Extra-curricular activity has long been a tradition in the world’s best academic institutions and in recent years many parents have been filling…


Charity begins at school

Technology is often blamed for making our world more individualistic and there is a popular belief that Millennials and those coming up behind them are increasingly self-centred and unaware of the challenges facing others.But, according to data from the World Gallup Poll, there has been a significant rise in youth volunteering in a number of…
